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Flax Council Of Canada Looking To Develop New Opportunities

The Flax Council of Canada has been working on a new business plan.

Wayne Thompson, the Executive Director of Sask Flax, also serves as the Chief Executive Officer for FCC.

"We're working on our new business plan that focuses on market access issues to maintain the trade with the world and our customers. We have new customers that we're going to have to seek out as we continue to grow more flax and diversify our markets."

Thompson notes part of their new business plan is to encourage new memberships.

"We've got a core set of members that have been with the Flax Council of Canada for several years, but we want to broaden that membership. We do have a need to have more people around the table so we have a broader conversation and understand what other players that maybe aren't around the table right now are seeing and dealing with, so that we can benefit the industry in the broadest sense."

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