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Flexible Financing Helps Grow More Wild Blueberries

New government financing is helping wild blueberry producers grow their businesses.

Agriculture Minister Greg Morrow highlighted the Wild Blueberry Business Enhancement program at the industry association’s annual general meeting in Truro Thursday, November 17.

“This program was designed by wild blueberry growers, for wild blueberry growers,” said Minister Morrow. “We want more Nova Scotians to choose local foods and doing that means producing more. This program from the Nova Scotia Farm Loan Board helps producers get the equipment and land they need to do just that.”

The Wild Blueberry Business Enhancement program helps growers buy equipment, improve production on existing sites and develop new land. Loans have flexible terms, like deferred and interest-only payments, and competitive rates.

There were about 630 wild blueberry producers, who managed more than 15,370 hectares (38,000 acres), in 2021.

Source : Nova Scotia

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