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FMC Releases New Herbicide Options

Farmers will have new weed control solutions for the upcoming growing season. FMC Corporation has released several pre and post emergence herbicides. FMC Corn Segment Manager Matt Hancock said in looking at pre-emergence herbicides FMC has three main products with Anthem, Anthem Flex, Anthem ATZ. He said each product has its specialty for different crops but all three offer a very flexible chemistry with a spectrum of control for broadleaf weeds like Palmer Amaranth, Waterhemp, along with residual grass control. He said the products are very flexible in terms of crop rotation.
FMC Releases New Herbicide Options

Anthem herbicide was launched in 2013 for corn and in 2014 for soybeans. This fall it was expanded for use on winter wheat and in the spring of 2015 Anthem Flex will be labeled for use on cotton. Hancock said in the future Anthem's use will be expanded to peanuts and dry edible beans.

Radio Oklahoma Network's Leslie Smith interviewed Hancock at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention in November.

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