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FMC Releases Report Investigating Business Management Needs Of Indigenous Farmers

Farm Management Canada (FMC) has announced the release of “The Path Forward: Supporting the Business Management Needs of Indigenous Producers”, a new research report investigating the business management needs of indigenous agricultural producers.

“The Path Forward” was made possible by the participation of indigenous agricultural business owners from coast-to-coast who participated in surveys, focus groups, and interviews.

This investigation highlights two pieces of information.

The first being there is desire from indigenous producers for more business management training. Secondly, this study confirms the findings of other reports showing the growing number of indigenous people in agriculture working to build community, economic opportunity, and food self-determination.

The report identified five high-level recommendations with specific recommendations under each.

The five recommendations are:

1. Build Lasting Relationships with Indigenous Communities

2. Increase Awareness of and Access to Indigenous Agricultural Opportunities and Support Programs

3. Enhance Indigenous Educational Opportunities

4. Expand Indigenous Support Services

5. Enhance Indigenous Research and Analysis

Farm Management Canada contracted the Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council with the guidance of their Indigenous Advisory Council to conduct this study. The work was supported by Bayer, Farm Credit Canada, and the Canadian Canola Growers Association.

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