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Forage Resources Available to S.D. Farmers and Ranchers

Forage Resources Available to S.D. Farmers and Ranchers
By Sara Bauder
Forages are a very important part of the South Dakota livestock and cropping industries. Often, producers have difficulties finding enough forage for their herd or locating a fellow producer to buy, sell or rent forages and grazing acres too. South Dakota now has two widely-recognized, free resources to aid in these connections.
S.D. Soil Health Coalition’s S.D. Grazing Exchange
The South Dakota Grazing Exchange is a new resource available to connect crop and livestock producers while improving soil health. This tool was created by the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition as a way to return livestock to the landscape. Livestock integration plays a very important role in the 5 principles of soil health. Grazing reduces nutrient export from our crop and hay fields and recycles nutrients while aiding in weed suppression. As the use of cover crops in cropping systems grows in South Dakota, and cattle producers continue to seek additional perennial and annual forages, the SD Grazing Exchange serves as a connection tool for both forage and cattle producers.
Alfalfa dries in windrows in Eastern South Dakota. 
The SD Grazing Exchange is a free, easy to use online map that offers a platform for producers throughout the state and region to connect; information is categorized based on forage and livestock grazing opportunities. This website provides forage growers free advertising of available grazing acres and details associated with the land parcel(s). Livestock growers alike, have the opportunity to post details regarding animals they are willing to re-locate for grazing.
SDSU Extension Feed & Forage Finder Facebook Page
This group is a free tool for members to share resources and information about feed and forages a producer has available for sale, or they are seeking to purchase. Postings of hay, silage, pasture, custom feeding/care, and commodity feeds are welcome. Agreements, arrangements, dealings, sales, and related transactions that occur as a result of communication on this page are the sole responsibility of the individuals and businesses involved. 

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