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Forage U-Pick Seed Calculator is a valuable tool for producers

The moisture over the last few weeks is a welcome sight for farmers and ranchers as they focus on seeding this year's crop.

The additional precipitation will help to replenish soil moisture and dugouts while helping to boost pasture growth.

For producers looking at seeding forages this spring, the Forage U-Pick Seed Rate Calculator is a valuable tool available through your provincial forage associations or the Beef Research Council website.

Producers select their zone or province and then determine what forages are suited to their field, the seeding rate and forage weed management.

When selecting what forages are suited for your area, it provides a soil zone map and walks you through a series of questions looking at the priorities for the field.

Examples include: Will it be hay or pasture land? When will it be used?  What type of plants are you looking at? ( tame, native, grass or legume varieties) and then How long are you looking at keeping the stand?  What type of soil are you working with?

The ideal time for seeding forages is generally in the spring, when moisture is more readily available and weed pressure may be limited.

Seeding rates should be adjusted when seeding into low-quality seedbeds, or areas with high or low moisture. 

When it comes to evaluating that forage stand it is important to measure the number of seedlings in a given area, check several locations and
look for uniformity in the field. Producers may need to look at re-seeding if they don't get the establishment they want.

Source : Pembinavalley online

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