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Foreign land ownership – including Canadian owners - a growing concern

A recent study by the Center for Strategic & International Studies found that foreign-owned farmland acreage in the U.S. has tripled since 2005 and now exceeds 40 million acres. Most of the growth is from energy companies, but foreign-owned corporate food producers also account for a portion of the growth. 

The study also found that Canadian investors hold the largest share of foreign-owned U.S. farmland (29%), with Germany, Netherlands, Italy and the United Kingdom owning 33%. The remaining 38% is owned by individuals or governments from almost 100 other countries. As for China, it owns less than 1% of the total, but as we will see, China has not focused on acquiring farmland. 

Some experts say that the increasing amount of foreign-owned farmland in the U.S. is a threat to national security. They argue that foreign governments could use their control of farmland to manipulate food prices or even disrupt the food supply. Others argue that the benefits of foreign investment outweigh the risks. They say that foreign investment can help to modernize the U.S. agricultural industry and make it more competitive in the global market. 

There is no consensus on whether foreign ownership of farmland is a threat to national security. However, it is an issue that is worth considering. The U.S. government is currently studying the issue and is considering ways to regulate foreign investment in farmland. 

Source : wisconsinagconnection

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