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Foxtail Barley Control

By Rich Zollinger
Extension Weed Specialist
At this time of the year foxtail barley is in full12.wdsci.zollinger.1 view along roads, in ditches and on field perimeters. With its characteristic foxtail type heads with long awns it is hard to mistaken this grass weed. Growers not remembering the location of foxtail barley from last year and growers not knowing effective control measures make this weed proliferate. Plants head out in early summer and by that time most control tools are ineffective.
Question: What chemical options will control foxtail barley in rangeland, pasture, and non-crop areas?
Answer: If these areas do not contain desirable grass species then a clethodim product (Select) or Assure II applied to plants in the tiller stage and especially before plants head out will be successful. If the areas contain desirable grass species then Plateau is labeled for control. It is important to follow label direction to apply at the proper timing, to use recommended adjuvants, and follow other label information.
Foxtail barley was the ND ‘Weed of the Year’ in 2013. The information developed to help growers control foxtail barley in cropland can be found in the 2013 ND weed guide or at the following web site:

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