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Franklin County Farm Hosts Missouri Dairy Summer Social

By Reagan Bluel

 Riegel Dairy in Washington, Mo., will host the Missouri Dairy Summer Social 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, June 30.

Grade A dairy producers statewide are encouraged to attend this free educational event, says Reagan Bluel, University of Missouri Extension dairy specialist and educational director of Missouri Dairy.

Recognized as a leading producer in the state, Riegel Dairy uses technology to help manage its herd of 780 lactating Holsteins, Bluel says.

What makes the herd so successful? Co-owner Brian Riegel says it isn’t just one thing that makes it all work. However, he’s found that overall, reproductive success holds the key to keeping the dairy running smoothly.

“When a cow breeds back on time, she spends more time in the most profitable phase of production – peak lactation,” he said. “To effortlessly achieve early conception takes much planning, months prior to insemination, during the dry period.”

If the cow can transition from dry through early lactation without issue, it sets her up for improved fertility, Riegel said. In the dry pen, Riegel Dairy manages the close-up herd by feeding Animate anionic salts and monitoring data for the prevention of transition cow disease and disorders. Ear tag technology from Select Sires called CowManager Sensor remotely monitors the herd 24/7.

By mindfully managing this three-month production window, Riegel Dairy reaps the benefits of a more successful lactation, he said.

At the Summer Social, Ted Patterson will present “Predicting fresh cow problems in the dry period.” Erica Varner, of PhiBro, will talk on “Supporting a smooth transition using Animate.” There will also be a farm tour and lunch.

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