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Free Forage Expo Events in July

Free Events Showcase Equipment and Expertise 


This July, two exciting Forage Expo events are taking place in Ontario, providing a great opportunity for farmers and agricultural enthusiasts to learn, network, and see the latest equipment in action. 

First up is the Huron County Forage Expo, happening next week on Thursday, July 4th, from 10 am to 3 pm in Gorrie. This event promises a full day of activities, including equipment demonstrations and a trade show.  

Attendees will get the chance to see the newest forage equipment being demonstrated live. As a special bonus, after the equipment demonstrations wrap up at 3 pm, everyone is invited to head across the road to watch Marcrest Manufacturing's hay dryers in action.  

This demonstration will showcase how these hay dryers can improve the quality and efficiency of hay production. 

The following week, on Friday, July 12th, the Eastern Valley Forage Expo will take place in St. Isidore from 10 am to 3 pm.  

This event marks a return to Eastern Ontario and will be conducted in both English and French, making it accessible to a broader audience.  

The bilingual event will feature similar activities, including equipment demonstrations and a trade show, allowing attendees to learn about the latest advancements in forage technology. 

Both events are free to attend, and no registration is required. Lunch will be available for purchase on-site, ensuring that attendees can stay energized throughout the day.  

These expos provide a fantastic opportunity for networking, learning, and seeing the latest innovations in forage equipment and technology. 

For more information about the events, you can visit the Ontario Forage Council's website.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Rebecca at or Patricia at You can also call 1-877-892-8663 for further details. 

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How a Desire to Lead Brought This Wheat Breeder to Canada

Video: How a Desire to Lead Brought This Wheat Breeder to Canada

Gurcharn Singh Brar is a wheat breeder whose path meandered from the breadbaskets of Punjab, India, to the sprawling fields of the Prairies. In a candid conversation, Brar shared insights into his journey, the challenges faced, and the undying passion that fuels his quest for better crops.

It all began with a childhood rooted in the wheat fields of Punjab, where agriculture isn’t just a livelihood but a way of life. His fascination with wheat and its potential led him to pursue a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences at Punjab Agricultural University. It was during this time that he encountered the spectre of rust diseases, particularly stripe rust, which plagued the region’s wheat crops. Determined to combat this menace, he set his sights on a journey that would take him across continents.

Venturing abroad for his graduate studies, he found himself in Saskatchewan at the Crop Development Centre (CDC), working under the mentorship of renowned researchers like Randy Kutcher and Pierre Hucl. Here, he delved deep into the world of wheat genetics, focusing on stripe rust resistance — a quest that would shape his academic pursuits for years to come.

After completing his master’s and Ph.D. in six and a half years, he embarked on a professional journey that would see him traverse academia and research. From brief stints as a research officer to landing his dream faculty position at the University of British Columbia’s Plant Science program, his career trajectory was marked by a strong drive to make a difference in the world of wheat.

Despite the allure of British Columbia’s unique agricultural landscape, he found himself wanting to return to the vast expanses of the Prairies, where wheat reigns supreme. He recently returned to the Prairies and is the new wheat breeder at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

“The opportunity to lead an established wheat breeding program at the University of Alberta was a dream come true. With the necessary resources and infrastructure in place, I’m excited to drive innovation and develop high-yielding wheat varieties tailored to the unique conditions of northern Canada,” he says.

Brar, one of Seed World Canada‘s 2024 Next-Gen Leaders, has become known for identifying novel sources of resistance to priority diseases and his efforts in developing wheat germplasm with multiple disease-resistant traits.

In addition to his groundbreaking research, Brar is committed to mentoring the next generation of agricultural scientists.

“I believe in nurturing talent and empowering students to pursue their passions,” he says. “Watching my students grow and thrive in their research endeavours is hugely rewarding.”

As he looks ahead, Brar’s vision for the future of wheat breeding is clear: “My number one target is to develop high-yielding wheat varieties adapted to the northern climates of Canada. By focusing on early maturity and strong straw traits, we can maximize yield potential while ensuring resilience to environmental challenges.”

His decision to also join the Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye, and Triticale (PGDC) executive as member-at-large came from a desire to play an even more important role in the world of Canadian cereals.