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Free Winter Cattle Feeding and Pasture Management Workshop Set for Nov. 12 in Lamar

“As cattle producers prepare for winter, nutritional management and hay feeding are important topics,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist.

Depending on availability of forage resources some cattle producers may be meeting animal nutrient needs with new supplement strategies. Since hay and supplementation are expensive, efficient utilization to meet animal nutrient needs is important to profitability of a cattle operation, Davis says.

“Previous years of drought and continued dry weather this year has stressed pastures,” says Micah Doubledee, MU Extension agronomy field specialist. This leads to pastures that will need renovation or other management strategies to improve the forage base in the coming years. There are management strategies that can be implemented in the winter and early spring to help improve the forage base and cattle grazing potential next year.

“MU Extension wants to educate cattle producers and farmers to help them to manage their cattle and pastures through the winter months to be successful in the coming year,” says Davis. Therefore, Davis and Doubledee will hold a winter cattle feeding and pasture management workshop at the Lamar First Baptist Church, 1301 East 6th St., Lamar, at 6 p.m. on Nov. 12.

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Treating Sheep For Lice!

Video: Treating Sheep For Lice!

We are treating our sheep for lice today at Ewetopia Farms. The ewes and rams have been rubbing and scratching, plus their wool is looking patchy and ragged. Itchy sheep are usually sheep with lice. So, we ran the Suffolk and Dorset breeding groups through the chutes and treated them all. This treatment will have to be done again in two weeks to make sure any eggs that hatched are destroyed too. There was a lot of moving of sheep from pen to pen around the sheep barn but by all the hopping and skipping the sheep were doing, I think they enjoyed the day immensely! We hope you do too!