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From Letterfrack to Rural Ontario: Sharing Ideas from the 2024 North Atlantic Forum

Researchers, policymakers and practitioners recently gathered in Letterfrack, Ireland for the 2024 North Atlantic Forum. The Forum focused on sustainable livelihoods and sought to engage new ideas in rural development, policy practice, and the social economy.

To facilitate knowledge mobilization a series of rural research summaries were created by graduate students on innovative approaches to sustainable livelihoods. The summaries provides a snapshot of research presented at the North Atlantic Forum and provide links to online resources. Topics covered in the summaries include economic development, food security, heritage conservation, housing, policy proofing and lenses, and solar power. Take a read of the summaries below:

The rural research summaries from the 2024 North Atlantic Forum were by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, a collaboration between the Government of Ontario and the University of Guelph.

Source : Rural Ontario Institute

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