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Frontier Landscape Equipment: Giving Your Property the Care it Deserves

Frontier™ landscape equipment can be added to John Deere tractors to boost productivity and efficiency while tackling jobs that will make your property the talk of the town.

Rear Blades
Rear blades can be easily adjusted for grading and leveling, whether operators are working in a gardening area or handling general landscaping.

Box Blades
Frontier box blades can level uneven ground and make grading tasks a breeze. The tailgate can be fixed or float, and shanks are easily replaceable.

Box Blades – Hydraulic Scarifiers
Box blades with hydraulic scarifiers are specifically designed to tackle the most difficult terrain with ease. They come with a hydraulically-operated scarifier bar, and heat-treated scarifier points ensure a long work life.

3-Point Trencher
Operators can dig uniform trenches for any small drainage or utility project with the 3-Point Trencher. It comes with a chain-type digging model and can achieve a 6 in. wide x 36 in. deep (.2 m x .9 m) maximum trench. Depth control can also be easily adjusted.

Box Scrapers
Box scrapers can be used to smooth driveways, yards, and fields. They are heavy-duty, meaning they can stand the test of a wide range of terrain conditions. They also have drawbar and single SCV compatibility, and optional notched cutting edge for hard soil.

Post Hole Diggers/Augers
The post hole digger allows operators to quickly dig down deep in their terrain with the utmost efficiency.

Land Planes
Land planes allow operators to level driveways, fill potholes, or recondition gravel areas. Their durable frames allow users to smooth over even the most challenging terrain.

Core Aerators
With the core aerator, operators can reduce soil compaction, and promote air, water, and nutrient circulation.

Wood Chippers
The wood chipper for Frontier landscape equipment from Deere comes with a gravity or hydraulic feed system, and it also has a feed stop control bar with a reverser.

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Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

Video: Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

Bayer has introduced a new digital farm management system dubbed FieldView Drive 2.0.

An interesting feature of the new system is that agronomists can remotely send prescriptions to farmers.

The company says the product can be summed up in three words: stability, compatibility, and prescriptions.

Watch to learn more about this new concept!