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Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada Express Concern Over Port of Vancouver Labour Strike

OTTAWA – The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) is raising concerns over the Port of Vancouver labour strike.  Recognized as a vital artery for the operations of Canada's fresh produce industry, the port is instrumental in both the import of key resources and the export of Canadian produce. The current disruptions, however, threaten this pivotal process.

Rebecca Lee, the Executive Director of FVGC, emphasized the severity of the situation, "The Port of Vancouver serves as a vital link in the operations of Canadian fruit and vegetable growers, enabling the timely import of crucial resources such as seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural machinery essential for domestic fruit and vegetable production. It is also instrumental in exporting Canadian produce to global markets, which significantly contributes to Canada's economy. The ongoing labour disruptions threaten to significantly derail the Canadian fresh produce sector."

Jan VanderHout, President of FVGC added, "The potential consequences of this strike are far-reaching. There could be significant delays for growers receiving necessary resources, leading to substantial financial losses. Additionally, the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables for Canadian consumers could be affected, impacting overall food security."

Rebecca Lee assured that the FVGC is closely monitoring the situation and its impacts on Canadian growers. She added, "We will continue to work with industry stakeholders to ensure that a swift resolution is reached." FVGC remains committed to communicating with and supporting its members during these challenging times.

The Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) represents growers across the country involved in the production of over 120 different types of crops on over 14,000 farms, with a farm gate value of $5.9 billion in 2021. FVGC is an Ottawa-based voluntary, not-for-profit, national association, and, since 1922, has advocated on important issues that impact Canada’s fresh produce sector, promoting healthy, safe, and sustainable food, ensuring the continued success and growth of the industry.

Source : FVCG

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