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Fusarium Head Blight Risk on the Increase for Some Areas

By Emmanuel Byamukama
Figure 1. A map of South Dakota showing the varying risk levels for Fusarium head blight or scab as of 6/19/2018. The green areas indicate low risk, yellow areas, moderate risk, while the red areas indicate a high risk for scab.
With the recent frequent rains for some areas and rain in the forecast, the risk for Fusarium head blight (FHB) or scab has changed. Areas in the south central and east now (as of 6/19/2018) have a moderate to high risk for scab (Figure 1). The forecast for the next three days also shows moderate to high FHB risk these areas. Wheat in these areas that is at between heading and flowering growth stages should be protected from FHB by applying a triazole fungicide.
Fusarium head blight is caused by a fungus, Fusarium graminearum. The pathogen survives on wheat stubble as well as corn stalks and other small grains. Infection is promoted by high humidity and warm temperatures around the time when wheat is flowering. Not only does FHB lead to reduced yields but it also reduces grain quality. Infected grains contain mycotoxins mainly deoxynivalenol (DON) which is poisonous to humans and animals if contaminated grains/grain products are consumed. Grain with more than 2ppm can be docked for price or rejected at the grain elevator.
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