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Future Weather Predictions

Future Weather Predictions
By Jim Noel
During August the weather and climate pattern switched where areas of the western half of the corn and soybean belt that needed rain got it while the eastern half dried out. Rainfall the last 30-days has been 2-6 inches with isolated totals to 10 inches in the western half of the region to 0.50 to 2.00 inch eastern areas including Ohio.
Through Labor Day it does look like some much needed rain for Ohio with some of the moisture of the remnants of Harvey. Rainfall is expected to range from 0.50 to 1.50 inches across Ohio on average with isolated totals higher or lower due to thunderstorms.
The latest 16-day average rainfall outlook from the NOAA/NWS/Ohio River Forecast Center can be seen here in the graphic.
For September, we expect a return to normal or below normal precipitation and near normal temperatures once we get past Labor Day.
The outlook still looks like it will turn wetter starting about October during harvest season and likely continuing into winter.
The outlook for frost in Ohio will likely be normal to a week later than normal as soil moisture is good and increasing chance for rain by late September into October should help delay frost slightly.
You can get the latest rainfall consensus estimates at 10 km resolution from both NOAA/NWS and Environment Canada at:
You can get the latest National Weather Service Estimates of Rainfall from:

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