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Gentle Start to Fall for Most of Canada: Forecast

If the Weather Network’s official autumn forecast is accurate, an open fall is in the cards for many Canadian farmers this year. 

Released earlier this week, the forecast suggests a “gentle start” to the fall season for most of Canada (see maps below), with extended periods of pleasant weather deep into October. However, things are likely to change after that, with periods of more typical late-fall weather in November, which will include snow for many parts of the country. 

Along with relatively warmer temperatures, the early fall is also expected to bring drier-than normal weather to much of Manitoba and Saskatchewan – bad news for those areas still struggling with the remnants of the 2021 drought. However, more normal fall weather is expected to begin in late October and November, with overall precipitation for the season forecast to end up near normal. 

The forecast for Alberta is much the same, featuring a warm, dry start and then more typical fall weather later, along with mostly normal precipitation amounts. 

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