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Ghanaian Livestock Farmers Boosted by Training on Environment-friendly Alternative Feed Technology

Ghanaian Livestock Farmers Boosted by Training on Environment-friendly Alternative Feed Technology

The IITACGIAR-led BSF for Bio Circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability (BBEST) project, in partnership with the Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI), has trained selected poultry, pig, and fish farmers on the Black soldier fly (BSF) technology in Accra, Ghana.

As part of activities to build capacity and BSF technology know-how of youth agripreneurs and other stakeholders, the project has started training farmers on the BSF feed production for poultry, fish, and pig to give them the necessary skills to start their own feed production.

The training was held from 17 to 21 April after the BSF decentralized units were installed.

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