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Good Progress on Soybeans as Manitoba Harvest Nears End

Rapid progress on soybeans this past week has pushed the Manitoba harvest to near completion.

The latest weekly crop report on Tuesday pegged the overall provincial harvest at 95% done, as soybeans surged to 89% complete – a major 44 points ahead of the five-year average. A strong start to the corn and sunflower harvest was also noted, with an estimated 10% of the corn crop in the bin, 4 points ahead of average, and sunflowers already 14% done versus just 1% on average.

The canola harvest is estimated at 98% done, 13 points ahead of average, while flax was 81% complete, compared to 45% on average.

Meanwhile, the report said soils remain dry to very dry in the top 30cm, causing thick dust to hang over rural areas where harvest and fieldwork is occurring, especially towards evening. The absence of a killing frost has extended green regrowth on crop stubble, leading to a field management dilemma for some farms attempting to conserve soil moisture, it added.


Temperatures have been variable, with daytime highs ranging from 27 to 32°C. Overnight lows dropped to as low as 5.0 to -0.5°C, with no severe frost reports. Average daily temperatures range from 14°C to 16°C. Forecast looks promising for the remainder of harvest. Above normal temperatures are making harvest seamless, but some green patches are left in soybean fields. Soils are very dry in the area once again and combined with the winds and heat, dry crop residues and pastures are facing a very high fire risk. Harvest continues; many report being done or close to complete, ranging from 85 to 95% complete.

Oats and barley harvest is complete. Some farmers are green feeding regrowth in oats which has headed out again. Canola harvest is estimated at 95 to 100% complete. Yield reports range from 30 to 45 bu/ac; with average yields expected to be in the 35 to 40 bu range. Regrowth in standing canola and harvested stubble is abundant where desiccation did not occur. Flax harvest is estimated 70 to 80% complete, with yields ranging from 20 to 25 bu/acre. Soybean harvest progress is estimated at 85 to 90% complete, with most producers are wrapping up. Early yields reported in the 30 to 45 bu/ac range. Average is expected to end up between 32 to 37 bu/acre. Sunflowers are heading into R9 stage. Desiccated crops starting to be harvested. Yield is above average, perhaps the best yielding crop relative to normal over the whole year.

Corn harvest has started. Many are commenting that grain moisture is the lowest they’ve seen for this time of year, approximately 20%. Minimal drying is required. Yields range from 110 bu/ac on dryland to 160 bu/ac irrigated. Overall yields are below average


Continued warm, dry weather has helped harvest move towards completion. Minimal precipitation fell in the areas of Laurier and Ste. Rose, while the rest of the region saw no rain. Some areas experienced light frosts for a couple of mornings with Minitonas (-1.3°C) and Rorketon (-1.2°C) recorded. Post-harvest field work has been occurring in some areas of the region while some are holding off due to dry conditions. Post-harvest weed control has also occurred where conditions and stages have allowed. No fall anhydrous ammonia applications have occurred as of yet due to recent warm temperatures.

Field peas and spring wheat harvest is complete across the region. Some oats and barley remain standing and ready for harvest. Canola harvest is nearing completion with most of the region at 98% harvested. Most fields that are left standing have been later-seeded/germinated. Yields in the Swan Valley in poorer crops are approximately 15 to 25 bu/ac and better crops yielding 45 to 50 bu/ac; yields in Roblin approx. 35 bu/ac and Dauphin at 25 bu/ac and upwards to 55 bu/ac in better fields.

Soybean harvest continues across the region and about 85 to 90% complete in the Swan Valley with yields of 25 to 40 bu/ac across the region. Some flax has been harvested in Roblin however some of the flax fields have started to flower again with previous rains. Grazing is occurring on annual crop regrowth such as canola fields and on ground where corn silage was harvested. Pastures have held out but are now going into dormancy.


Sunny, warm conditions most days from southerly winds are keeping daytime temperatures above normal reaching near-record highs with no frost. Those higher temperatures are encouraging good grain drying conditions and continued harvest progress. Rain on Thursday from a rain shower system brought precipitation mostly to the western side of the region with amounts ranging from 5mm or less for much of the region to 35 mm in Snowflake along the International border. Topsoil is drying without recent meaningful precipitation to most areas.

Corn harvest is underway, having about 25% done as stands are maturing and drying. Earliest yield reports were below average in the Red River Valley in the 60 to 70 bu/ac range, while more recently harvested fields are yielding better reportedly in the 110 to 140 bu/ac range and grain moisture content between 22 to 26%. Sunflower harvest is underway. Yield reports range from 2,000 to 2,500 lbs/acre with some fields doing better. Soybeans harvest is wrapping up this week with about 97% done. Reported yields range from 30 to 40 bu/ac in areas with better moisture conditions during the season but only 12 to 15 bu/ac reported in the driest areas of the region. Dry edible bean harvest of early maturing types is considered done while the later maturing types should be wrapped up this week.


Temperatures were above normal this past week, with enough wind most days for good crop drying. Rapid progress was made on soybean harvest. Sunflower and corn harvest also began. A significant amount of fieldwork and fertilizer application was completed as well. Higher than normal soil temperatures has delayed anhydrous ammonia applications and there is expected to be a rush on this work once soils cool down. Increasing numbers of farmers have completed their harvest for this year if they haven’t grown sunflowers or corn.

Canola harvest is essentially complete except for a very few remaining late-seeded fields. Canola yield reports range from 10 to 40 bu/ac with the average being around 20 to 25 bu/acre. Flax harvest and baling of straw has been completed with yields in the 20 bu/acre range. Soybean harvest is about 85% done with yields ranging from 19 to 42 bu/acre with good quality. Average yield for the region will likely be between 30 to 35 bu/acre. A few soybean fields are still drying down. Rapid progress on remaining acres will occur this week if the weather cooperates. Producers pushing very hard on harvesting this crop as some rain is in the forecast.

Sunflower harvest began last week with overall completion at about 40% with oil types about 60% done. Yields on oilseed types is ranging from 2500 to 3000 lbs/acre with good quality. Limited drying with some fields coming in dry.


Favourable weather has allowed harvest to progress, with a large jump in soybean harvest completion. No hard frosts have meant that many cereal and canola stubble fields have green regrowth, competing for moisture and nutrients from the 2022 crop.

Soybean harvest has advanced to 60% complete in the Arborg area, while 80% complete in the south Interlake. Yields range from 20 to 40 bu/ac, averaging close to the middle of that range. Growers are somewhat surprised by the better than expected soybean yields, and look to increase those acres for 2022. Some farms are concerned about growing soybeans on high residual nitrate ground, but many will proceed anyway. Messy fields with green regrowth are abundant in the Interlake, and fall fieldwork cleanup is underway, via grazing, baling regrowth, using high-speed tillage or incorporation

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