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Government of Canada and Government of Prince Edward Island invest to support upgrades at Amalgamated Dairies Limited

Food processors rely on modern equipment to remain competitive, enhance efficiency and boost productivity. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever that they have access to the necessary support to ensure they are well-positioned for the future.

Today, the Member of Parliament for Egmont, Bobby Morrissey, on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, joined Prince Edward Island (PEI) Minister of Agriculture and Land, Bloyce Thompson to announce a joint investment of more than $2.4 million in support of Amalgamated Dairies Limited (ADL).

This funding will help the dairy cooperative install new automation and robotics equipment for their existing Feta packaging line at the Summerside facility. The upgrades are expected to double packaging speed and capacity, and will help bring new products to the market. 

Source : canada

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Video: Lambs Coming FAST! Backwards Births & Space Running Out

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