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Government of Canada and Province of Nova Scotia invest more than $44 million in the fish and seafood sector

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia - Canada’s fisheries are the backbone of many coastal communities and a driving force in our national economy.
 At the same time, the seafood sector is a rapidly shifting environment – competition is intensifying and consumers are looking for sustainability and quality. That is why the Government of Canada and the Province of Nova Scotia are making strategic investments in the fish and seafood sector through the Atlantic Fisheries Fund – to help ensure the sector can continue to meet these changing demands and to capitalize on the industry’s tremendous growth potential.
The funding – with a combined total contribution of more than $44 million – will support 11 projects focused on the adoption of new technology and partnerships that will improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the fish and seafood sector. The funding will enable these local organizations to provide high quality seafood and to preposition their organizations for a successful return to regular business in a post COVID-19 world.
Funding these organizations will benefit local and regional economies in Nova Scotia now and in the future. The contribution comes from the $400 million Atlantic Fisheries Fund, jointly funded by the federal and provincial governments, and focuses on increasing opportunities and market value for sustainably sourced, high-quality fish and seafood products from Atlantic Canada.
The Atlantic Fisheries Fund will continue to invest in projects over the seven-year life of the program. The commercial fisheries and aquaculture industry, Indigenous groups, universities, academia, industry associations and organizations, including research institutions, may apply. 
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