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Government of Canada announces new Administrative Monetary Penalties for companies that break federal food safety rules

Ottawa, Ontario – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) - The Government of Canada is committed to maintaining a strong food safety system. Today, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) announced that Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) of up to $15,000 can now be issued for violations by food businesses that threaten food safety and market access for Canadian goods.
AMPs are an additional option CFIA can use to address violations under federal regulations. By expanding the use of AMPs across all food sectors, the CFIA will now have a consistent and comprehensive set of tools to enforce compliance with the requirements for all food in Canada.
The amendments to the Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations (AAAMPR) were published today in Canada Gazette Part II and are now in force. These apply to both businesses and individuals.
The introduction of AMPs for all food sectors follows the January 2019 coming into force of the Safe Food for Canadians Act along with the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations, which consolidated 14 regulations into a single set of consistent requirements for all food businesses.
In consultations on the amendments to the AMPs regulations, both industry and consumers indicated that they want the CFIA to address violations of federal rules that threaten food safety and market access for Canadian goods. A strong food safety system maintains consumer confidence and allows Canadian businesses to compete globally.
The Government of Canada is committed to openness and transparency, which includes sharing information about companies that do not comply with federal food requirements. As part of that ongoing commitment, information about AMPs issued will be published in the near future on the Agency's website.
Source : Government of Canada

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