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Government of Canada celebrates successful outcomes at the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas meeting

Ottawa, Ontario - Managing fisheries requires a robust, science-based approach to regenerate, grow, and conserve Canadian and global fish populations for future generations. The Government of Canada works with domestic and international partners to manage fish stocks in a sustainable way that supports biodiversity and economic prosperity.

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) met in Vale do Lobo, Portugal, from November 14 to 21, 2022, its first in-person year-end meeting in three years. The Canadian delegation comprised representatives from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Global Affairs Canada, domestic stakeholders and Indigenous partners.

At the meeting Canada:

  • Played a leading role in the development and adoption of a new management procedure for Atlantic Bluefin tuna. This management procedure will set sustainable, science-based total allowable catches for both the Western and Eastern Atlantic areas in the coming years.
  • Kept the total allowable catch for North Atlantic Swordfish in 2023 at 13,200 tonnes, with Canada’s quota remaining at 1348 tonnes. This has positive economic value for fishers in Eastern Canada.
  • Championed a proposal for a Joint Inspection Scheme to promote compliance with ICCAT management measures on the high seas. While the proposal did not receive the full support it needed to pass, it received widespread endorsement and constructive input from many ICCAT members, and has the potential to be adopted next year after further negotiation in the coming year.
  • Contributed to the development and adoption of a measure to conserve South Atlantic Shortfin Mako sharks. This continues the work of last year when Canada proposed, and ICCAT adopted, a measure to conserve North Atlantic Shortfin Mako sharks, and will help protect this species from overfishing throughout the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Co-sponsored a Resolution on Climate Change introduced by the United States which calls for ICCAT to convene a virtual experts meeting in 2023 to look at climate impacts and climate action for all ICCAT species and ecosystems, as well as steps that can be taken within the ICCAT organization to improve its sustainability and reduce its carbon footprint.
  • Co-sponsored a successful proposal introduced by the European Union to strengthen the existing rules against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. ICCAT members will now need to take appropriate action against their citizens who engage in, support, or benefit from IUU fishing and fishing-related activities.

The Government of Canada, together with domestic and international partners, continues to provide a robust, science-based approach for managing our fisheries, so we can continue to conserve, grow and regenerate Canadian and global fish populations for future generations.

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