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Government of Canada invests in BHP project to develop a world-leading low-emissions potash mine

Greening Canada's mining sector is a crucial part of the transition toward a low-carbon economy. That is why the Government of Canada is making investments that will help build a greener future by supporting advancements in sustainable mining practices, while creating well-paying jobs that will support global demand for Canada's critical minerals.

Today, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced an investment of $100 million through the Strategic Innovation Fund to support BHP's $7.5 billion project to develop its world-leading low-emissions potash mine. This mine, located in Jansen, Saskatchewan, is expected to generate the lowest direct emissions of any potash mine in the world. Through this project, BHP will significantly minimize the carbon footprint of the mine, improve worker safety and implement technology to further reduce emissions from mine operations.

We know how critical potash is for our country when it comes to food security. By investing in critical minerals today, we're building a stable industry for future generations in Canada. This support will lead to the production of critical minerals that will support transformation and growth across the Canadian economy, while enabling BHP to transform its own operations, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for a net-zero future.  

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Opportunities in 4-H

Video: Opportunities in 4-H

Nia Smith, Student, Poplar Hill 4-H Club
The 4-H program has given Nia many opportunities over the years, from communication to leadership. Join Nia as she shares her experiences from this past year with her “Seed Starting from a Home Hydroponic System” science fair project, and how she had the opportunity to go to the Canadian Science Fair finals in Ottawa, ON.

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