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Governments of Canada and Manitoba invest $55,000 to conduct wastewater study in Portage la Prairie area industrial park

As part of a commitment to sustainability and environmental action, the Canada and Manitoba governments are committing $55,000 through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) to study the viability of providing an alternative non-potable water source for non-food processing purposes to industrial park tenants in the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie, federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced today.

The Poplar Bluff Industrial Park is located west of the City of Portage la Prairie and includes Simplot Canada Ltd., Roquette Canada Ltd., Enns Brothers, Overton Environmental and K&G Mushrooms. Water for the businesses is provided from Portage la Prairie's city water treatment plant, while the fire protection water supply is provided through the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie's non-potable distribution system.

The industrial park's tenants have expressed interest in using alternate non-potable water sources for non-food industrial purposes and reusing water where possible, with the goal of conserving potable water to support future food processing opportunities.

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Ag Policy Agenda

Video: Ag Policy Agenda

Today it has been a busy couple of weeks in our Nation's Capital as our government is switching administrations. That means a lot of new faces and policies to get acquainted with in the year ahead. We were joined earlier this week by Nebraska Extension Policy Specialist Brad Lubben to discuss how this new administration could shape future Ag policy.