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Governments Renew Commitment To Protect Lake Winnipeg

On Thursday, Terry Duguid, Parliamentary Secretary to Johnathan Wilkinson, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Canada, and Ralph Eichler, Manitoba’s Minister of Agriculture and Resource Development, announced the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between with the governments of Canada and Manitoba to advance collaborative work to protect Lake Winnipeg.

“Our governments recognize the need to work together to protect Lake Winnipeg. The trans-boundary Lake Winnipeg watershed stretches across four provinces and four U.S. states and both the federal and provincial governments have an important role to play in protecting one of Canada’s most important freshwater lakes,” said Eichler.

Building upon a previous 10-year agreement between the two governments, the new MOU will support a cooperative and co-ordinated approach to understand and protect the water quality and ecological health of Lake Winnipeg and its basin, including reducing nutrient loading. The MOU will also support engagement of Indigenous Peoples to advance reconciliation and mutual priorities related to water quality and the ecological health of Lake Winnipeg.

Parliamentary Secretary Duguid also announced $519,600 in federal funding today to support 10 new projects under Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Lake Winnipeg Basin Program.

The Parliamentary Secretary was joined by a representative from Northeast Red Watershed District. Their project received $25,000 to improve water quality by stabilizing creek banks and creating a water retention site to help reduce erosion and retain excessive nutrients from reaching waterways.

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