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Grain movement has been steady

CPKC reporting that grain movement has been running fairly smooth as they move grain to port.

CPKC's assistant vice president of marketing and sales for bulk is Elizabeth Hucker:

"Things are moving very well from a Canadian grain perspective both in the western provinces as well through to eastern Canada and the United States. In week 14 of the grain shipping year, CPKC moved over 600,000 metric tons of grain and grain products to those destination markets. Actually our second largest Week of the 2023-2024 grain crop year."

Hucker notes that grain movement is at a slower rate than last year and still well below the available capacity that they have to move grain as outlined in their 2023-24 Grain Service Outlook.

She notes the forecast is calling for rain in Vancouver, which becomes an issue as vessels can't load grain in the rain.

To hear Glenda-Lee's discussion with CPKC's Elizabeth Hucker click on the link below.

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