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Grain Safety Trailer Drawing Big Crowds At Ag Days

One of the highlights of this year's Manitoba Ag Days in Brandon has been the grain entrapment demo trailer being showcased by the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA).
It's located in the main arena at the Keystone Centre.
Agricultural Health and Safety Specialist Bobbi Kiesman says it's the first time they've been at the show with their own equipment, with the trailer being acquired this past summer.
She notes the equipment can be used for multiple applications.
“We built it for three reasons, one of them is to do prevention awareness at events like this. As well, we will be doing firefighter training in rural communities so that the guys that go on-site have the tools and equipment and the training to perform those types of grain entrapment rescues. We will also go on sites to large producers and give them a great training session on emergency response specific to their facility.”
Source : Steinbachonline

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