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Grant Writing Workshop and Boot Camp Opportunities Coming Up

By Esther Crompton and Lindsay Henderson

Representatives from nonprofits, government entities and school districts are encouraged to enroll in two upcoming grant-related events: the Virtual Grant Writing 101 Workshop and the Grant Proposal Boot Camp.

The events, hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, will benefit new and seasoned grant writers.

Virtual Grant Writing 101 Workshop

This online workshop, led by Lindsay Henderson, an extension specialist in Community and Economic Development, is primarily aimed at beginners. It will cover identifying funding sources, project planning and effective grant application strategies.

Henderson noted, "Although designed with beginners in mind, even seasoned professionals will benefit from our project planning and application writing tips."

Dates and times

The registration deadline is one day before each session. The fee is $25 per session.

Grant Proposal Boot Camp

The Grant Proposal Boot Camp is a collaborative experience tailored for individuals with some familiarity with grants as writers, reviewers or administrators.

Henderson said, "Our boot camp is designed for individuals working on a fundable project and offers real-time insights from experienced grant writers, ensuring attendees make considerable progress on their proposals.”

Dates, times and locations

The registration deadline is two days before each session. The fee is $75 per session.

Boot camp requirements

  • An active project or program for grant funding.
  • A laptop or tablet for interactive proposal development.
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