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Growers Discuss Poultry Feed Issues, Promote U.S. Soy In Morocco

U.S. soy growers recently had the opportunity to discuss current issues in poultry feeding in Morocco.
A U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) delegation composed of American Soybean Association (ASA) Director Kevin Scott and United Soybean Board (USB) Directors Jim Carroll and John Harrell, accompanied by Brent Babb, USSEC Regional Director – EU / Middle East North Africa (MENA), participated in the fourth Poultry Roundtable for Maghreb’s feed industry held at Skhirat, Morocco.
The grower leaders’ team and experts visited leading poultry and feed customers in Morocco to further increase awareness of U.S. soy quality, reliability and sustainability among feed and poultry producers. They highlighted their commitment in building strong trade relationships with their professional partners in the Moroccan feed industry and animal producers, especially poultry.
The presidents of Moroccan Federation of Poultry Associations (FISA) and the Feed Manufacturers Association (AFAC) signed a certificate of recognition of U.S. soy’s sustainability following the production protocol outlined in the U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP). FISA and USSEC will partner to provide quality, sustainable and reliable feed to the local industry.
In his speech, Babb briefly summarized years of partnership and explained U.S. soybeans’ sustainability and current interests.
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