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Hanover Approves New Dairy Lagoon

Council for the Rural Municipality of Hanover has approved a request from a dairy farmer northwest of Grunthal.
Ernest Bueckert appeared before council requesting permission to replace his existing earthen manure storage and add about 25 cows. But, Hanover Reeve Stan Toews says many neighbours read the notice and thought Bueckert was looking to build an additional manure storage and add almost 300 animal units.
This prompted nine emails to be sent to the RM of Hanover. Of those nine, only two were in support of the proposal. Another two of those nine emails were from neighbours who said they were concerned over such things as smell, increased soil contamination and toxic gases being emitted. The other five emails, including a petition with 44 signatures, expressed opposition for things like odour, decreased property value and a negative impact on air quality.
At the public hearing, the applicant made it clear that he is not looking to build an additional lagoon, but rather replace the existing one.
Nearby farmer, Edwin Froese was present at the meeting to speak in favour of the application. Froese says residents who bought into the nearby development knew there was agriculture on three sides.
Naomi Murray, who lives near the applicant voiced concern at the public hearing, questioning how much more odour this would create. She was told it might in fact create less smell as not only would the proposed earthen manure storage be located further from her property but because it would be larger than the existing one, it could allow the owner to only have to spread once per year instead of twice. Murray admitted she came to the meeting opposed, but after getting a better understanding of the details was suddenly finding herself on the fence on the proposal.
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