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Harold Martens is being remembered as a strong supporter of agriculture

Former Morse MLA Harold Martens is being remembered as a kind man dedicated to family and friends with a passion for agriculture.

SSGA President Garner Deobald says the Herbert area farmer and rancher served as president of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association from 2011 to 2014.

"He was very much appreciated. The work and effort that he put into into serving on the SSGA board. You know  it's always of such great value to have someone like that serve, and you know we were very appreciative of that."

Marten's true love of community and agriculture were evident by his involvement on various committees.

"He advocated and was a strong supporter of all things agriculture here in the province. He was somebody I think that was always willing to give freely of his time and you know, help out in any way he possibly could. He was involved for many years in municipal politics and then also served as an MLA through some very difficult years in you know, through the drought years of the 80s."

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