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Harvest Moving Quickly - Oklahoma Wheat Commission Calls It 25% Complete

Wheat harvest is moving forward in all regions of the state from the Oklahoma Texas border to the Oklahoma Kansas Border. Producers in parts of Southwest Oklahoma in the Altus and Lone Wolf areas are still fighting mud in the lower lying areas, while producers in the Hobart area have been able to make better progress with fields drying out in this region. Altus, Lone Wolf and Carter regions are approximately 35% complete with harvest while the Hobart area is approximately 50% completed. Yields for the most part in this region are ranging from the mid 30’s to the high 40’s with the occasional report of some wheat making over 55 bushels per acre.

Test weights in the Southwest region of the state have dropped from 62 to 63 lbs./bu, (79.79kg/hl-81.081kg/hl) before Memorial Day weekend to 58 to 59 lbs./bu, (74.64 kg/hl-75.933 kg/hl) on the wheat being harvested today. With the occasional 60 lbs./bu, (77.22kg/hl) still being reported. Proteins in this region have been running from 9 to 11.5 percent with the hopes that protein averages for the region will still come in at 11%.

Wheat harvest also continues to move at full speed in Western and Central Oklahoma. Yields in this part of the state ranging from mid 30’s to the mid 50’s for the most part. Harvest is just getting started in the Apache area, with yields not being confirmed in this region as of today. As you move West of Hwy 81 North of El Reno to Kingfisher harvest has gotten a much earlier start this past week due to the lighter rains in the region. Test weights in this region still averaging 60lbs./bu (77.22kg/hl), with some lighter test weights being reported depending on where the rains fell. Harvest East of Okarche and along the 81 Hwy corridor from El Reno to Kingfisher is estimated to be 70% complete, with areas out by Omega, Watonga and Greenfield estimated to be 30% complete. It was reported on a 110 acre dryland farm following alfalfa from last year and the fungicide plan used by one producer that his field made a 90 bushel per acre average in Greenfield, a lot of 50 to 60 bushel per acre wheat is also being reported in the Greenfield area. Wheat has also been reported to have been taken in the Shattuck area but no yield reports have been taken on the early loads received.

Harvest also continues in Northern Oklahoma with producers just getting a good start on the Oklahoma Kansas border the last two days. Test weights from this region so far are averaging 61 lbs./bu.(78.507kg/hl). In parts of Northern Oklahoma producers are still fighting mud, yields are reported to be making in the mid 40’s to mid 50’s in much of this area with a lot of 60 bushel per acre wheat also being reported. Early protein levels are averaging 11% for this region.

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