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Harvest Pretty Well Finished In Alberta

The majority of Alberta farmers have finished harvesting their crops this fall.

According to the latest report that came out on Friday, 94 percent of all major crops are now safely in the bin. That's well ahead of both the 5- and 10-year averages of 48 and 55 percent. The numbers for that report were compiled early last week, so there's a good chance harvesting is essentially done except for a few pockets here and there. Although the weather is starting to cool off, daytime highs are still expected to be around normal all this week, with little or no rain in the forecast. Overnight lows are starting to dip below the freezing mark in many places.

Pastures are still looking poor to fair with 33 percent as poor, 35 percent as fair, 30 percent as good, and only 2 percent as excellent in the central region.

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