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Harvest Slowly Progressing For Corn And Soybeans

The province's latest crop report says Manitoba's soybean harvest is sitting at about 30 per cent complete, which is up from 20 per cent last week.

Cassandra Tkachuk is a Production Specialist with Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers (MPSG).

"We're still hearing a pretty wide range of soybean yields," she said. "Anywhere from 25 to 55 bushels per acre and it sounds like it largely depends on the moisture that was received. We're expecting maybe 28 to 30 bushels per acre on average this year."

Tkachuk notes the issue with 'green seed' seems to have improved, adding the recent moisture may have played a role in helping the seed turn yellow.

And despite the cool, rainy conditions, many farmers in the province were able to make some progress with the grain corn harvest over the past week.

Anastasia Kubinec is the Manager of Crop Industry Development for Manitoba Agriculture.

"Yields are coming off in some areas lower than average, where they didn't get a lot of rainfall over the growing season and it was on lighter average to above average in the areas where they did receive good rainfall and they were on a bit heavier soils. The moisture of the grain corn varies quite widely and the areas that were lower yielding and drier, that grain corn is coming off fairly dry and then in the areas where the yields are quite high the grain corn is coming off at 25 to 30 per cent moisture, so drying is going to have to take place."

She notes early yield results have been between 80 and 120 bushels per acre.

The province is estimating total grain corn harvest progress at less than five per cent complete.

Source : Steinbachonline

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