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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of April 11 ,2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Overall h ay price was steady when compared to the previous report . S mall square bale alfalfa in small lots continues to demand a premium price regardless of quality . There is a good supply of hay available to the market with a surplus of lower quality hay

For Nebraska , hay sold steady this past week . D emand was light to moderate for all forage products .

For Iowa , prices were firm this week . Lower quality hay was at lower prices and reflected hay quality rather than an over - supply of lower quality hay. There are concerns of winter kill in older alfalfa stands in the state.

In South Dakota , all hay prices were steady for th e week. Demand is light to moderate as farmers are not showing interest unless they absolutely need hay .

In I llinois , d e mand for hay is moderate to goo d, with market activity moderate to active, for moderate offerin gs. Prices are steady. Southern areas in the state have alfalfa greening up with several inches of growth already. Hay acres in the state are expected to decrease in 2016. Some auctions will have their last quality tested hay auction of the season this month.

For Missouri, the first crop repor t came out this week . Nothing really earthshattering, hay supply is adequate to surplus . There are concerns of dry ness creeping into the state from the southwest. Hay supply is moderate, demand is light, and prices are steady. In Sout hwest Minnesota, Prices were steady for the quality offered. No prime quality hay has been delivered to auction most of the season.

Steady prices for the quality of hay sold at the auction. In Wisconsin , hay supply exceeds demand at most auctions . Prices were steady this week compared to the past week . There is a large supply of lower quality hay. 2016 spring has been very wet and teases us with a few w arm days and then we get snow and cold temperatures . Mud is a problem in many areas and provided a demand for straw.

Straw prices were stronger this week. S mall square bale price increased about $0. 3 0 per bale and averaged $ 3 . 20 a bale (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale price saw a n in crease of $ 7 .00 a bale this week , with an average price of $ 31 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 1 2 . 00 to $ 4 7 .00); and large round bale s w ere $ 4 .00 higher compared to the last report with an av erage price $ 2 6 .00 per bale ( range of $ 1 5 .00 - $ 5 0 .00 per bale ) .

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