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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As of April 24 ,2015

Demand and Sales Activity

Overall hay prices were steady to stronger for this report compared to the previous report . H ay supplies were heavy in some areas with rainfall reducing auction activity and concern of a possible drought . This week is the last auction for the season at some locations.

For Nebraska , compared to the last report alfalfa hay sold mostly steady to $5.00/ton less . Some producers have decided to sell some hay inventory after last week ’ s rainfall .

For Iowa , most hay producers have sold out of hay and most auctions will end in April . Ve ry little alfalfa winter injury has been reported and alfalfa has already been seeded for 2015 .

In Sout h Dakota , light hay movement with steady to $10.00/ton increase in prices on all classes of hay. Rainfall this past week reduced some concern of drought, but a brisk wind has quickly evaporated excess rainfall , tillage and corn planting has continued in the area . Approximately 6 9 % of South Dakota is abnormally dry currently according t o the drought monitor.

For Missouri, hay supplies are moderate for a light demand with steady prices . Field work in the area is behind normal. Currently hay producers are spreading fertilizer on hay fields and scouting and spraying for alfalfa weevil.

In Southwest Minnesota, prices were steady with light hay movement in the area . Moderate drought according to the d rought monitor may be a concern in the future.

For Illinois, moderate to heav y demand for h ay offerings with steady prices.

In Wisconsin , strong market for good quality hay . Lower quality hay price was weaker compared to previous week ’ s auction . There is a steady demand for small square baled s traw at local markets. Overall the M idwest straw price was a little weaker in this report . Small square bale straw , while in good demand the price average d $ 3 .00 a bale (range of $1.00 to $6.00) . L arge square bale straw price had an average price of $ 3 2 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 2 5 .00 to $ 5 6 .00); and large round bale straw was weaker with an average price of $ 28 .00 per bale (range of $ 2 5 .00 to $ 3 5 .00).

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