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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As of August 21, 2015

The all grade hay price from all markets de creased $ 10 .00 per ton this week compared to the previous report . A decreased volume in all hay sales impacted the market . The data collected is from markets in Wisconsin and near by Midwestern states.

For Nebraska , alfalfa hay sold mostly steady . Third crop hay is being harvested in the state with some starting fourth crop .

For Iowa , prime quality hay is almost non - existent at auction, as farmers fight weather related issues plus a current weak demand for hay.

In South Dakota , very light movemen t of hay with very little demand for all hay . Very little quality ha y available at the market s and prices are lower . Currently pasture conditions are excellent and contributes to lack of demand for hay.

For Missouri, there is an abundanc e of pasture this growing season resulting in a light demand for hay with steady pricing. Some areas of the state are done with hay making for the year, while others have hay to make yet.

In Southwest Minnesota, a light hay volume compared to the last report with weaker prices . For Illinois, the demand for hay was moderate with slow market activity. Prices were steady for quality alfalfa hay , while lower quality hay prices were weak.

In Wisconsin , hay prices were weak with a good volu me of lower quality hay available for sale . Dairy quality (prime) hay continues to fetch a good price, with a limited locally available supply . The M idwest straw market was s teady this past week .

Small square bale straw was weaker ; with an average price of $ 2 . 75 a bale (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale straw price was slightly stronger with an average price of $ 3 8 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 2 0 .00 to $ 47 .00); and large round bale straw followed suit ; with a price of $ 3 8 .00 per bale ( range of $ 2 5 .00 - $5 2 .00 per bale ) .

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