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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of August 22 ,2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Hay price s were steady to weaker compared to the previous report with downward pressure in some markets on lower quality hay.

For Nebraska , demand was good for large square bales going to dairies, while light demand with slow movement o f hay for feedlots . Prices were steady .

For Iowa , good demand and stronger prices this week as there was a demand for the better quality hay . Farmers had a good weather this week to bale hay .

In South Dakota , hay sales continue to be light, with demand moderate for all classes of hay . Prices are firm as farmers are not willing to lower the asking price for their hay at the market . The dry conditions in western South Dakota has farmers hopeful demand will increase shor tly.

In I llinois , no report this week . For Missouri, hay activity continues to be inactivity, with few actual sales. Supply of hay is moderate with light demand, and prices are steady to weak . Farmers are fortunate that the grass has literally never s topped growing this summer and the weather conditions will allow some fall stockpiling of forages before the frost.

In Southwest Minnesota, the story has not changed all summer, a good supply of lower quality hay, with light demand, and lower p rices . There was one lot of prime quality small square hay this week, the first of the summer .

In Wisconsin , an unbroken record as in other states , hay supply exceeds demand and prices reflect quality of the hay . With r ound bales gathering on field edges lower quality hay prices have declined . Overall s traw price was steady to stronger this week. Small square bale straw a verage d $ 2 . 8 0 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . L arge packaged straw prices increased this week .

Large s quare bale price increase d $ 4 .00 a bale from the last report. The average price is $ 33 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 1 5 . 00 to $ 63 .00) . L arge round bale straw prices increased $9.00 per bale with an average price of $ 3 9 .00 per bale (range of $ 3 0 .00 to $ 55 .00) . There were some markets selling contracts for 2016 straw that has impacted the market.

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