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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of December 1 2 , 201 6

Demand and Sales Activity

Prices were st eady to slightly weaker this week . Small lots of small squa re bales continue to find strength in the hay market. Lower quality hay price continues to be discounted. A dditional quality hay auctions b egan these past couple of weeks .

For Nebraska , demand for hay i s light in most areas of the state. There is a n adequate supply of quality dairy hay in storage and most are having tough time selling hay . Snow and cold is in the forecast with the hope t o produce a demand for hay.

For Iowa , falling temperatures have helped increase the demand for high quality hay . Overall hay supply is adequate; currently there is a demand and a slight premium f or high quality hay , while lower quality hay carries a steady price . There was no organic hay available this week.

In South Dakota , demand was limite d as the market wa s softer this week . There are concerns of wet and muddy conditions , which reduce the likelihood of hay movement. Buyer interest is moderate at best in a soft market .

In I llinois , demand is moderate with slow market activity, for moderate to heavy supply offerings . Small square bale hay carries the market attracting the horse and small beef farms. Large package hay demand is very light.

For Missouri, single digit wind chills have some buyers thinking of the coming winter conditions just not reflecting the movement of hay i n the state . Hay supply is mode rate, demand is light, and prices are steady .

In Southwest Minnesota, total loads of hay at the market doubled this week. Top q uality hay was not available at the auction , which was reflected in a decrease in the price of hay as most was either grass or lower quality hay .

In Wisconsin , p rice s were s teady with adequate supplies of hay. There is a large supply of lower quality hay in the state , which currently may limit prices paid on all classes of hay . Overall s traw was stronger this week. Small square bale straw price was st ronger a veraging $ 3 . 5 0 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . Large square ba les increased $ 10 .00/bale with an a verag e price of $ 3 2 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 1 4 . 00 to $ 65 .00) .

Large round bale s in creased $ 1 .00/bale averaging $ 3 2 .00 per bale (range of $ 14 .00 to $ 50 .00) . We ather may have improved demand in the straw market as most have reported some snow or wet conditions and a need for beddin g materials until ground freezes .

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