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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of December 27,2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Prices this week were weaker as the holiday season may have ha d some influenced the market . Large volumes of lower quality hay did influence the market and small square baled hay didn ’ t carry as much influence this week .

For Nebraska , demand for hay ha s picked up this week, however hay sold unevenly steady . Demand increased as temperatures dropped . A d equate supplies of hay provided resistance t o a n increase in price s .

For Iowa , demand was mixed with interest in large square bales. Hay supply is adequate with a large supply of lower quality hay. Weather did motivate some buyers this week to purchase hay and be d d ing.

In South Dakota , market was steady to weak with a large supply of average quality hay offered . Farmers are only purchas ing for immediate needs. In I llinois , from the H a milton market demand i s light and bad weather had an impact on hay sale s and movement .

For Missouri, weather conditions have delayed peak hay demand . H ay supply is moderate, demand is light, and prices are steady . In Southwest Minnesota, total loads of hay have increased this wee k . Prime q uality hay wa s not available , average quality hay prices were steady, while low quality hay was discounted.

In Wisconsin , weather conditions we nt to both extre mes this week with severe cold and snow and then warm temperatures with thunder , snow , and rain. H ay p rice s were s teady with adequate supplies of hay of average quality hay .

L arge suppl ies of lower quality hay in the state have limit ed prices paid on all classes of hay . Overall the s traw market was st eady this week with little movement in prices . Small square bale straw price was st e ady a veraging $ 3 . 4 0 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . Large square bales were off about $1.00 with an a verag e price of $ 3 2 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 1 0 . 00 to $ 65 .00) . L arge round bale s were $ 1 .00 stronger averaging $ 33 .00 per bale (range of $ 26 .00 to $ 38 .00) . A number of markets mentioned a demand for bedding material and some snowless areas are still baling crop residues .

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