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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of February 27 , 201 7

Demand and Sales Activity

The market was steady this week; there is demand for dairy quality hay . A large supply of lower quality hay though has depressed the overall hay price .

For Nebraska , good large square bales were $10 - $15 per ton less this week . Some producers have lowered hay pri ces to move 2016 hay out of their storage and into other state s . Demand is better for grass mixed hay .

For Iowa , it was an unsettled market . Storm forecast have many buyers cautious. No organic hay was available this week.

In South Dakota , buyer demand is light to moderate. Prices were steady to weak . Many are content to let the market play out as there is a large supply of hay and most ha ve a good hay supply on the farm and it is late into the feeding season.

In I llinois , no reports this week .

For Missouri, h ay supply is moderate, demand is light, and prices remain steady. Wheat is greening up with period of warm weather this past week.

In Southwest Minnesota, good supply of hay at the market . Prices were weaker with mostly lower quality of hay at the market .

In Wisconsin , large suppl y of hay and prices remain steady on dairy quality hay with lower quality hay prices depressed . Untested hay at Equity market sold from $10 - $24 per bale for either large square or round bales. Wisconsin remains a buyer’s market. Prices for straw changed very little from the last report. Small square bale straw price a verag ed $ 3 . 25 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $ 6.00 ) . L arge square bale price moved a few dollars higher with an ave rag e price of $ 3 3 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 18 . 00 to $ 5 5 .00) . L arge round bale s were the same price as the last report at $ 27 .00 per bale (range of $ 24 .00 to $ 3 0 .00) .

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