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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As of January 25 , 2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Hay prices were steady compared to the previous report . Prime quality small square bale alfalfa is a major influence on price . There is a wide spread in hay prices between prime hay and grade 3 hay , also package type provides a wide range within hay grade s . Prices reflect the demand for small square alfalfa hay .

For Nebraska , prices were fully steady . There was a s trong d emand for small square hay in the market this week from the horse and small farm producers . The bulk of hay is for f eedlots , dairy hay market is slow.

For Iowa , slower movement of hay this week . Organic hay is moving at conventional prices.

In South Dakota , alfalfa hay prices were steady with firm undertones for dairy quality hay . Lower qual ity hay demand improved this week. One negative in the market is there is little commitment from farmers to purchase hay in the near future . Bedding materials continue in demand.

For Missouri, w eather is the main topic as freezing temperatures with snow to ice have lead to dangerous travel and slow hay movement . Cattle needs for hay may have peaked and hay movement continues to be slow . Local ads for hay are very few, not because of little supply , but little interest in buying hay . Hay supplies are heavy, demand is light, and prices are steady .

In Southwest Minnesota, good supply of hay offered this week , the m ajority of the hay was lower quality with no prime hay offered for sale.

For Illinois, small square bales were the s trength of the market . Demand was good for moderate offerings, and steady prices.

In Wisconsin , finally some prime quality alfalfa hay at auction. Lower quality hay is plentiful in the Wisconsin . Overall hay prices are steady to slightly higher when compared to the last report. T he Midwest straw prices continue st eady .

Market price for s mall square bale avera ged $ 3 . 4 0 a bale (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale straw price increased a few dollars per bale , with an average price of $ 3 3 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 2 0 . 00 to $ 5 5 .00); and large round bale straw price was a few dollars less , av erage price was $ 27 .00 per bale ( range of $ 16 .00 - $ 3 5 .0 0 per bale ) . Demand was good for straw in the Midwest.

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John Michael Riley, OSU Extension agricultural economist, says higher cotton yields negatively impacted prices in the latest WASDE report.