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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As of July 24 , 2015

Demand and Sales Activity

The allgrade hay price decreased $20.00 per ton at auction this week compared to the previous report . Lack of p rime hay and large quantities of lower quality hay at auction is one reason for the decrease in overall hay prices . The data collec ted is from markets in Wisconsin and nearby Midwestern states.

For Nebraska , alfalfa hay sold at lower prices with a limited test of prices. Most purchases are being made as needed, rather than buying ahead. Second crop hay harvest i s wrapping up.

For Iowa , trading was slow , with a limited demand for all classes of hay. In Sou th Dakota , hay sales continue to be slow with weak prices. There is d emand for prime quality hay , but prices are trending downward compared to the last hay report.

For Missouri, a moderate supply of hay, with light demand, and weak price s s ums up the auctions. Rain continues to improve pasture situations and reduces hay demand. Rainfall has closed roads and flooded crop fields in the state.

In Southwest Minnesota, hay price decreased , with a steady volume compared to the last re port. There i s a lack of dairy quality hay available with o nly grade 2 and 3 hay was available at the auction .

For Illinois, alfalfa hay prices were lower with light to moderate demand and heavy offerings . Total hay sales increased compared to the previous report with limited prime quality hay available at the market.

In Wisconsin , hay prices have decreased the past couple of weeks. There is a n abundant supply of lower quality hay with limited sales . Dairy quality hay continues to hold a good price, with limited sales. T he M idwest straw market was strong this past week with demand for all package sizes of straw.

Harvest of small grains is underway , but there wa s a limited supply available at auction this past week . Small square bale straw was strong ; with a strong demand for wheat straw that resulted in an average price of over $ 4 . 0 0 a bale (range of $ 3 .00 to $6.00) . Large square bale straw price was steady with an average price of $ 38 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 15 .00 to $ 5 1 .00); and large round bale straw rebounded from the previous report with a price of $ 47 .00 per bale and a range of $38.00 - $54.00 per bale .

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