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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As of June 5, 2015

Demand and Sales Activity

The all grade hay price de creased $ 2 . 70 per ton at auction this week. Prime hay w ill sell for over $200.00/ton. New crop hay was available at some markets and was discounted because of moisture ( ~ 20%). The data collected is from markets in Wis consin and nearby Midwestern states. Weather is the talk throughout the mid - west hay growing area as cloudy and wet weather has delayed baling of first crop dry hay.

For Nebraska , alfalfa hay sold steady on a li gh t test . New crop hay is down with w eather delaying baling in many areas of the state. Many producers have ma de balelage or haylage to get alfalfa off the field. Hay standing in the field is maturing rapidly.

For Iowa , prices trended steady to lower. New crop hay has reached the auction markets. The majority of sales were better quality hay.

In South Dakota , new crop hay was lightly tested at auctions this week. Old crop alfalfa hay price was steady in a light market. Currently in the state the majority of alfalfa has been harvested as haylage or baleage. Rain continues to slow harvest.

For Missouri, demand for hay is light with a moderate supply and a steady price. Hay making has been slow as farmers wait for a dr y stretch of weather to harvest first cut hay . Alfalfa is past prime quality or has been rained on; Mother Nature is making 2015 a di fficult year for hay making. In Southwest Minnesota, hay price was stronger, with a n increase in vo lume sold compared to last week . Weather has slowed harvest as reported from the majority of reporting auctions.

For Illinois, demand was modera te to good with moderate offerings. Prices were weaker. Weather, as most reporting stations have announced, is a challenge. Currently 41% of first cut hay is harvested compared to 56% for the five year average. Hay stocks have increased across the U.S., bu t I llinois is slightly below the normal level of hay stocks.

In Wisconsin , weather is slowing first crop harvest. H ay prices are strong at Wisconsin markets. First cutting of hay is reported about 61% completed, which is about four days ahead of the f ive year average. T he M idwest straw market i s steady with a good demand for small bales of straw. Small square bale straw was slightly lower; the average is $3. 1 0 a bale (range of $1.00 to $6.00) .

Large square bale straw price increased this week to an average price of $ 34 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 15 .00 to $ 5 1 .00); and large round bale straw averaged $2 6 .00 per bale with only one reported sale.

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