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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of March 27 , 201 7

Demand and Sales Activity

The market overall saw about a $10.00 /ton drop in prices this week . Overall supplies are stron g and demand is weak, with l arge supplies of lower quality hay .

For Nebraska , some hay is being delivered in to the southern plains at a very low or no price to producers who have lost everything. Some areas in Nebraska appear to be dry , while others are wet and some producers will pull pivots and plant hay.

There was a mod erate demand for hay this week with steady price with some concern of drier conditions in the state .

For Iowa , p rices were steady to higher with demand for dairy quality hay that is in short supply . Large square bales were the preferred package . No organic hay was available this week.

In South Dakota , buyer demand is light with abundant supplies and steady prices . Calving season is underway and most have a supply of hay or are only buying to cover need . In I llinois , no reports this week .

For Missouri, a lot of prepping field work has been done this week. H ay is being trucked to the fire impacted areas. Hay supply is moderate, demand is light, and prices remain steady to weak .

In Sou thwest Minnesota, good supply of hay at the market with little to no dairy quality hay . Lower quality hay impact ed average market prices . In Wisconsin , dairy quality hay brought a good price at the market.

Overall prices were steady with a lower price on lower quality hay that is in an abundant supply . Wildfire and export report: The r eport from wildfire areas is currently there are adequate supplies of hay in the region. Reviewing the March 24 , 2017 export market report , 5,400 ton s were exported this week, c urrently export prices are very similar to the reported Midwest prices. The current export market for alfalfa depending on quality ranged from $ 90 .00 - $1 15 .00 per ton from USDA.

Prices for straw were un c hanged from the last report. Small square bale straw price a verag ed $ 3 . 2 5 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $ 6.00 ) . L arge square bale price was $ 3 3 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 14 . 00 to $ 60 .00 ) an increase of $1.00/bale . L arge round bale s were a few dollars lo wer than the last report priced at $ 28 .00 per bale (range of $ 17 .00 to $ 37 .00).

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