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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As of March 7 , 2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Overall h ay price was steady to $5.00 per ton stronger th a n the previous report . Currently supply exceed s demand and lower quality hay is the majority of the supply . S mall square bale alfalfa continues to demand a premium pri ce regardless of quality .

For Nebraska , the bulk of the hay sold steady with light to moderate demand . The talk this week is baling corn stalks with improved weather . There is good demand for grin d ing hay.

For Iowa , w eak er prices this week reflected the quality of hay at the auction, mostly lower quality . Bedding prices were weaker with warmer temperatures expected the next week.

In South Dakota , hay traded on a mostly steady market with li ght interest and demand . M a rkets discounted low quality hay. Warm temperatures have created some diffic ulty in moving hay and bedding as some road weight limits are in place . Best demand is for grinding hay and average quality alfalfa or alfalfa/grass hay . Very little inquiry for high testing hay as milk prices are around $14.00.

For Missouri, warmer weather has cattlemen looking for green grass rather than feeding stored feed . Inte rest in buying hay is slow with few sales actually occurring . Farmers in the hay business have discontinued the hay ad , because of so little demand . Hay supply is moderate , demand is light, and prices are steady.

In Southwest Minnesota, only lower quality hay offered at auction this week . Prices were steady for the quality offered. Straw market was str ong.

For Illinois, hay d emand was moderate to good with steady pricing , large square bales were discounted this week. Many producers are not concerned as they have inventory to get them into spring and hope for a better hay season this year . Straw is in demand in the north and central regio ns.

In Wisconsin , hay supply exceeds demand at most auctions . Excessive l ower quality hay is available and prices may be discounted . As in other markets , small lots of small square bales have a good demand and better price compared to large packaged hay .

Straw prices are st eady with price reflecting the quality of the straw . S mall square bale price dropped about $0 .50 per bale and averaged $ 2 . 4 5 a bale (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale price saw an increase of $15.00 a bale this week , with an average price of $ 46 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 18 . 00 to $ 5 1 .00); and large round bale s w ere $ 4 .00 lo wer compared to the last report with an av erage price $ 28 .00 per bale ( range of $ 20 .00 - $ 55 .00 per bale ) .

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