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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of May 6, 2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Overall h ay price was steady this week when compared to the previous report . There is a large supply available with decreased interest . Small lots of quality hay pushed prime hay prices up, but overall the hay price is steady and lower quality hay is discounted . There has been a reduction in auctions each week as the summer schedule for hay auctions has begun

For Nebraska , hay sold steady to weak this past week . Demand was light . Rainfall has farmers optimistic for summer, but wet conditions have delayed cattle going out on pasture . Anticipated first cutting is May 20 th .

For Iowa , heavy supply of large round bales with weak prices and light demand . No prices quoted this week because of to o few sales.

In South Dakota , hay prices were mostly steady . Demand is light with low trade volume . Purchases are only for curren t needs . The focus this week is on field work and planting. Most hay producers are sold out of last year ’ s crop.

In I llinois , demand is moderate, with moderate activity and steady prices . Some southern areas of the state have begun the 2016 hay harvest. Ther e is a good demand for straw at the market.

For Missouri, h ay demand is light, supply is moderate and prices are steady. First crop hay harvest has beg u n . Yields are lower than anticipated. The good news is dry areas in the state have received some rain.

In Southwest Minnesota, weak prices this week for the quality offered. Hay supply is greater than last year a nd prices reflect a decreased demand for hay .

In Wisconsin , hay supply exceeds demand at most auctions . Prices held steady this week . Some markets have discontinued hay auctions as planting season has arrived . Hay crop appears to have m ade it through the winter in good shape and with spring moisture there should be adequate hay supply in 2016. Most markets mentioned there is a dem and for straw. S traw prices were st eady .

Small square bale price averaged $ 3 . 3 0 a bale (range of $ 1 . 00 to $6.00) . L arge square bale price increased $ 2 .00 a bale this week , with an average price of $ 30 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 1 5 . 00 to $ 56 .00); and large round bale s w ere $ 5 .00 lower per bale compared to the last report with an av erage price $ 2 3 .00 per bale ( range of $ 1 9 .00 - $ 30 .00 per bale ) .

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