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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of May 7, 2015

Hay prices are strong compared to the previous report . Overall hay price average d $1 0 .00 per ton higher at auction this week. Hay harvest is a few weeks away and there is a strong demand for all classes of hay, with a limited supply. Last week was the final quality tested hay auction for the season at some locations, while others will reduce the frequency of the auction and others will continue on a weekly basis

For Nebraska , alfalfa hay sold steady to firm . Grass hay was in demand as pasture green up has been slow and helped support the alfalfa hay market. Some talk from producers that first cutting of hay is a week or so away with help from Mother Nature.

For Iowa , steady to firm prices, this week is the last Monday sale at Rock Valley . Very little alfalfa winter injury has been report ed .

In South Dakota , good volume of hay movement this week with steady to firm prices on all classes of hay. There was increased interest in better quality alfalfa hay. Rainfall this past week reduced some concern of drought . First cutting of hay is abo ut 10 days to 2 weeks away .

For Missouri, f ield work and planting is actually ahead of the norm for the area . Concern though is lack of widespread rainfall. Currently the hay crop appears short, stunted and maturing sooner compared to most ye ars. Prices for hay are steady with a very light demand.

In Southwest Minnesota, prices were strong with light hay movement in the area . For Illinois, light to moderate demand for h ay with steady to slightly lower p rices as f armers are hoping t o pastur e cattle or begin their own first cut harvesting soon . Producers have reported some winter injury in alfalfa fields. Illinois hay market will now be reported monthly.

In Wisconsin , strong market for good quality hay . As mentioned in comments from other states, farmers want to get cattle on pasture, but it may be a little early, as cattle may require supplemental feed for a week or two. Alfalfa injury is present in the state from heaving of alfalfa plants . The injury is greatest in areas with heavy soils that were saturated going into winter. PEAQ stick measurements are being recorded across the state and first cutting may be a few weeks off. Many local markets commented on a steady demand for small square baled s traw.

Overall the Midwest stra w price is stronger with continued demand for all packages of straw. Small square bale straw was in good demand the price average d $3. 3 0 a bale (range of $1.00 to $6.00) . L arge square bale straw price had an average price of $ 44 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 2 8 . 00 to $ 5 6 .00) an increase of about $8.00 per bale fr o m the last report ; and no large round bale straw was available at any of the reporting markets this week .

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