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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of November 28,2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Prices from some of the previous week’s auctions were used as markets were closed on Thanksgiving. Prices were stronger for quality hay . Small lots of small square bales continue to find strength at the market . Lower quality hay price continues to be discounted . O verall prices continue to reflect a large supply of hay and a current weak demand .

For Nebraska , even with snow in the forecast demand for hay is relatively slow . Dairy, feedlots, and ca ttlemen are really watching their cost this year . A large hay supply is available for sale with reduced demand for hay in the current market.

For Iowa , farmers a re wrapping up fall field work and there is demand for quality hay at the market , which resulted in an increase in price of quality hay, while lower quality hay price is unchanged. There was no organic hay available this week.

In South Dakota , quality alfalfa hay i s carrying the market with increased demand and a stronger price. Demand was stronger f or limited offerings of quality hay . Lower quality hay doesn ’ t carry much demand and struggles to hold a price.

In I llinois , no report this week from Illinois .

For Missouri, c ooler temperatures in the forecast may spur more interest for hay. There is limited hay feeding at this time. Currently market demand is light with steady prices . Weat her conditions may drive the market in the near future.

In Southwest Minnesota, total loads available de creased at market this week. Little quality hay was available at the auction; while prices were steady it was on very limited sales .

In Wisconsin , p rice s were supported by some good qualit y hay this week. There was demand for quality hay; however there is a large supply of lower quality hay with little demand to support sales . Overall s traw pric e decreased this week. Small square bale straw price was s t eady a veraging $ 3 . 15 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 50 to $6.00) . Large square bales slid back $ 5 .00/bale with an a verag e price of $ 2 2 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 1 0 . 00 to $ 4 0 .00) . L arge round bale s de creased $ 1 . 00/bale averaging $ 3 1 .00 per bale (range of $ 30 .00 to $ 3 1 .00) . G ood weather in early November allowed farmers to gather soybean and corn residu es and may have impacted straw demand in the market .

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